Psychology and Guidance Services

Psycho-pedagogical support, support for the development of the educational community's system of relationships, and school and career guidance

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The Psychology and Guidance Services (SPO) develop their action in pre-school and primary and secondary educational establishments, with three domains considered for their intervention:

● Psycho-pedagogical support to students and teachers;

● Support for the development of the educational community's system of relationships;

● School and career guidance. 



  1. To collaborate with the educational community by providing psycho-pedagogical support to educational activities, identifying the causes of academic failure and proposing measures aimed at their elimination.
  2. To work in collaboration with the school management bodies and with other specialised services, namely in the areas of health and social security, in order to contribute to the correct diagnosis and socio-medical-educational assessment of the students, and to plan intervention measures.
  3. To support students in the process of developing their personal identity and life plan.
  4. To plan and execute school and career guidance activities through programmes and counselling actions at individual and group level.
  5. To collaborate with other services, namely in the support of the conclusion of protocols, aiming at the organisation of information and professional guidance.
  6. To develop information and awareness-raising actions for parents and the community in general regarding the issues involved in school and career choices.

Referrals can be made by filling in the SPO Request for Intervention.

More info [HERE]